Graduate Christian Fellowship

We are a community of grad students, professional students, and friends seeking to be a redeeming presence for Christ at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Our Beliefs

We welcome people from all faiths and denominations to participate in our activities

Friday Nights

Our Friday night meetings are where our whole chapter comes together for worship,
community, and learning

Small Groups

The heart of our chapter, small groups have an atmosphere of accountability and encouragement

Our Commitments

Spiritual Formation

We desire to be conformed to the image of Christ. To achieve this, we cultivate habits that deepen our spiritual lives such as regular prayer, rigorous Bible study, and other foundational disciplines.


We choose to gather regularly as a community of faculty and graduate students to learn and worship, to challenge and care for each other, and to serve as a welcoming place for both believers and seekers.

Faith, Learning, and Practice

Because the God whom we worship is Creator of all, we seek a unity of truth and practice in the university and all institutions and believe that the integrity of this pursuit will be a witness to the university and professional world.

Evangelism and Service

As a community, we demonstrate and proclaim the gospel to the university so that Jesus Christ is esteemed over all. Believing that God is at work to initiate people into His kingdom, we pray and work with expectation for their conversion. We also seek to authenticate this witness in our service, especially to the poor and the oppressed.

Student Leadership

Paul Summers
Jon Fakkema
Continue Ministry on Campus

Graduate Christian Fellowship operates on a budget funded mostly by donations, our members’ generosity as well as by the university through ASM. Please consider making a donation. If you want to know how the money is spent, the exec team can provide a copy of the budget. Donations can be given to any exec member; please make cheques to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

Jon Dahl is the staff worker from InterVarsity who works with and supports this chapter. Donations to him can be made through InterVarsity’s donation page.

Have any Questions?
We would love to meet you and get to know you! Just contact us and we’ll make it happen.