Large Group

Large Group
Fellowshipping as One Body In Christ

Our Friday Night Fellowship meetings are key in developing a common vision and identity for the Graduate Christian Fellowship. This bi-weekly event involves a variety of activities that help us grow as individuals and as a group in our love for God. We nurture this growth through music and worship; guest speakers, such as Christian faculty and other graduate students; our annual retreat; and small and large group conversation and reflection.

Worshipping together in these ways gives us a shared experience of the greatness of God and the renewal of our spirits.

If you have any questions or want more information about Friday Night Fellowship, please email our Large Group Coordinator. See our events page for upcoming Friday Night Fellowships!

2025 Spring Events


February 14th Memorial Union (Room TBA) Human Connection in Graduate School
February 28th Memorial Union (Room TBA) Christian Faculty Panel: Integration of Faith and Learning
March 14th Memorial Union (Room TBA) Meditating on the Word Day and Night in Graduate School
April 4th Memorial Union (Room TBA) Senior Graduate Student Panel: Lessons Learned as a Christian Graduate Student
April 18th Memorial Union (Room TBA) Seder Meal
May 2nd Memorial Union (Room TBA) End of Year Celebration and Send-Off for Graduates